Baseboard SuperPan® Vapourstop E-Z


Detail SuperPan® Vapourstop E-Z


SuperPan® Vapourstop E-Z

SuperPan® VAPOURSTOP is a class P5 structural board coated with a special film that adds water vapour diffusion resistance and high air tightness to the moisture resistance, high mechanical performance and high flexural strength properties of SuperPan® H Tech P5.
P5 classification: indoor structural use in wet environments.
Service class 2.
Formaldehyde emissions: Class E1.
(E-Z): Low formalin emissions <0.05 ppm (EN717-1), CARB2.
Low VOC and formaldehyde emissions: class A+ according to French standards.
Component Passive House certified for air tightness.

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Technical information

Technical datasheet

  • Technical datasheet

    SuperPan® Vapourstop