Cristian House
Pablo Muñoz Arquitectos has extensive experience in single-family residential projects, for which he usually relies on Finsa materials. In this home located in the Alicante town of Petrer, we can find our products in almost every room of the house: kitchen, living room, hallways, bathroom and bedroom, providing a warm and welcoming atmosphere throughout the home.
APPLICATION: Kitchen, living room, hallway, bathroom and bedroom furniture, shelves and cabinet interiors
PRODUCT:Superpan Plus EZ Technical Matt Blanco, Fibraplast Duna Soft III, Gris Vesubio Soft III and Tessuto Textil
- Petrer, Alicante
- 2020
- Pablo Muñoz Payá Architects

Kitchen, living room, hallway, bathroom and bedroom furniture, shelves and cabinet interiors

Kitchen, living room, hallway, bathroom and bedroom furniture, shelves and cabinet interiors

Fibrapan (E-Z)