In order to increase the company's energy savings and efficiency, the replacement of 9 currently operating motors (with efficiency equal to or lower than IE1) with WEG Super Premium Efficiency IE4 line W22 motors is proposed.
Results in terms of energy savings and efficiency:
•Energy savings: 299.280 kWh/year (final energy), 708,700 kWh/year (primary energy)
•Reduction of CO2 emissions equivalent to 99.06 t CO2/year
The investment is being carried out at the Finsa centre in Rábade, Fibranor, within the framework of the 2023 INEGA line of aid for energy saving and efficiency in Galician companies, co-financed by the 2021-2027 European Union ERDF-Galicia Operational Programme.
Investment: €62,980.02
Financing: €22,043.01
File No.: IN417Y-23A8