The project aims to reduce energy consumption during manufacturing of MDF board through a series of actions that affect the operation of the draught fan in the Vyncke boiler. This fan is driven by an 800 kW electric motor with a supply voltage of 6,000 V with rheostat starting, which is currently not operating in the most efficient way. The investment involves improving the start-up and control system by incorporating a 1,250 kW frequency inverter in a new electrical room with air conditioning and a fire prevention system. In addition, the regulation will be optimised through a new programming of the existing PLC and SCADA, which will allow speed control according to needs and, consequently, optimisation of consumption according to production demand. Finally, the existing motor bearings are to be replaced by insulated bearings to prevent the circulation of currents and their deterioration due to the use of the variator.
Results in terms of energy savings and efficiency:
•Energy savings of 1,262,507 kWh/year
•Reduction of CO2 emissions equivalent to 416.63 t CO2/year
The investment is being carried out in Orember (Ourense) within the framework of the 2022-2023 INEGA line of aid for energy saving and efficiency in companies, co-financed by the European Union's 2014-2020 Galicia ERDF Operational Programme.
Investment: € 213,953.21
Financing: €74,883.62
File No.: IN417Y-22A146