The aim of this project is to implement a new Smart Factory model in sawmills based on the Industry 4.0 concept, aiming for sustainable, flexible, efficient and customised manufacturing of new sawmill wood products with high added value. Packtabla proposes the development of innovative manufacturing technologies and their combination with the development of new flexible robotic systems and the latest technologies in the field of perception systems, in order to allow the use of waste materials from the sawmill as separating strips for the layers of boards, giving value to these products and resulting in an improvement in productivity on sawmill lines of more than 20%. The project includes the application of blockchain to the traceability of wood, collecting data on the raw material and the products generated throughout the value chain.
Developed at the Finsa sawmill in Santiago de Compostela, Packtabla is financed by the Ministry of Science and Innovation through the State Research Agency by the State Programme to Promote Scientific and Technical Research and its Transfer, of the 2021-2023 State Plan for Scientific, Technical and Innovation Research within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan covered by the Next Generation funds.
• Partners: Northwest Metallurgical Research Association (AIMEN) - Start date: 01/10/2022
• Completion date: 30/09/2025
• Investment: € 2,323,938.78
• Financing: €1,210,561.78 loan (Finsa), €1,113,377.00 grant (AIMEN)
• Website: www.packtabla.es; www.packtabla.com
• File No.: CPP2021-009006
Project CPP2021-009006 funded by: